Certified in 2015, Dawn is a former mental health counselor and professional photographer. She has spent the past 18 years immersed in the nature of Alaska, working as a nature guide, kayaking guide, and biological technician.
An author and investigator of higher states of consciousness, she conducts meditation and biofeedback workshops in beautiful and powerful locations throughout the state.
Ames Consulting LLC
1517 North Wilmot Street
Tucson, AZ 85712
Tel: 520-433-2168
Email: YourNewNormal@gmail.com
Web: www.AmesConsultingLLC.com, www.YourNewNormal.com
Specialties: Clinical Hypnotherapy and Wellness: NLP, Process Psychology
Dynamic Mastery
4525 E. Skyline Drive, #101
Tucson, Arizona 85712
Tel: 520-405-8892, 520-888-9338
Email: dynamicmastery@msn.com
Web: www.hesshypnosisheals.com
Specialties: Former psychiatric nurse, Bach Flower Remedies, hypnotherapy, private and group Awakened Mind trainings.
Integral Awakened Mind
P.O. Box 3840
Sonora, CA 95370
Tel: 209-984-8950
Email: trainers@awakened-mind.com
Web: www.awakened-mind.com,
Specialties: Awakened Mind Practitioners and Practitioner Trainers, Group Brainwave Trainings, Fusion of EFT and Contemplative Neurofeedback, Witnessing and Non-Dual States within an Integral framework.
126 Tiffany Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: 415-821-0227
Email: highonrumi@sbcglobal.net
2100 Lynn Road, Ste 230
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Tel: 805-497-4500
Email: drllabel@hotmail.com
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel: 650-906-2700
Email: PosFoc@aol.com, Sharloulea@sbcglobal.net
Psychology of Joy
San Rafael, CA
Tel. 415-250-9246
Email: psychologyofjoy@gmail.com
Meditation telecourses for health care professionals, with CEUs provided to participants;
Psychotherapy supporting personal transformation and the integration of our subconscious, conscious and superconscious selves;
Private neurotherapy sessions for stress management, sleep disorders, mood disorders and addictions.
EFT For Well Being
231 California Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Tel: 707-799-8160
Email: mazza@sonic.net, sandi@eftforwellbeing.com
Web: www.eftforwellbeing.com
Santa Cruz, California
Tel: 415-760-7904
Email: lorenia.edu@gmail.com
~ also ~
Mexico City, Mexico
Tel: +55-53-51-13-99
The Evolved Mind
Russellville, Arkansas
Tel: 818-568-6067
Website: TheEvolvedMind.com
Email: theevolvedmind@yahoo.com
Specialties: Spiritual guidance, transformation, self-healing. Passion is working with children, parents, and educators.
717 65th Street
Oakland, CA 94609
Tel: 510-655-1444
Email: cordellsloan@hotmail.com
Corinne at White Lotus
San Diego, CA
Tel: 858-859-1225
Email: highperformancemind@gmail.com
102 Goatbarn Lane
Boulder, CO 80302
Tel: 720-231-7900
Email: jamesjripley@yahoo.com
Web: www.jamesripley.com
Specialties: Electro-acupuncture, Practitioner Trainings, Group Brainwave Trainings
Vroom Integrations
621 17th Street, Ste 1535
Denver, CO 80202
Tel: 303-477-0722, 303-514-1346
Email: pvro@mac.com
Specialties: Mental Health and Wellness, Phase-of-Life Transition/Development Issues,
Career Changes for Professional Athletes
Awakening Tranceformations
Baltimore, Maryland
Tel: 805-964-0232, 805-705-7530
Email: grace@awakeningtranceformations.com
Specialties: Mental Health, Self-Esteem, Emotional Integration, Shadow-Work, Exploring and Releasing Creative Blocks
BrainWave Virtuosity
1017 Como Place
St. Paul, MN 55103
Tel: 651-487-5073
Email: anna@brainwavevirtuosity.com
Child and Family Solutions
Sicklerville, New Jersey
Tel: +1 856-889-8434
Email: mrsjessrenee@gmail.com
Specialties: Guided meditations, trauma, spiritual guidance, anxiety and depression, thought restructuring, manifestation guidance, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, higher self channeled readings.
New Providence, NJ
Email: vgreene588@gmail.com
Specialties: Psychotherapy and private sessions of brainwave training.
4110 NE Tillamook St. #403
Portland, OR
Email: robin@ithriverevolution.com
Website: http://www.ithriverevolution.com
Specialties: Meditation training, brainwave training, applied positive psychology workshops.
Founder, Institute for the Awakened Mind
Co-developer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror and the Mind Mirror Portal
5752 Shady Lane
Bath, PA 18014
Tel: 610-837-4166 / 610-570-1107
Email: judith@awakenedmind.org
Specialties: Practitioner Trainings, Mind Research, Private Retreats, Online Mentorship, and Group Brainwave Trainings.
Text and Online Counseling
Tel: +1 856-889-8434
Email: mrsjessrenee@gmail.com
Specialties: Guided meditations, trauma, spiritual guidance, anxiety and depression, thought restructuring, manifestation guidance, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, higher self channeled readings.
300 Castle Creek Drive
Pickens, South Carolina, USA 29671
Tel: +1 (518) 424-0406
Email: b.gonyea@icloud.com or info@peacefulcities.org
Web: NuminousOnline.org
Specialties: Mind researcher, biofeedback specialist, and founder of the Resonant Peaceful Cities Project and its mass intentional coherence meditations. Author of Become a Consciousness Athlete--A Step by Step Program to Heighten Consciousness for Daily Happiness. Available for private and group brainwave trainings.
Virginia Center for Neurofeedback
420 Third Street, NE
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Tel: 434-878-3146
Email: bernhard.robin@gmail.com
Web: virginianeurofeedback.com
Specialties: Psychotherapist using modalities including EMDR, LENS, and neurofeedback, along with Mind Mirror 6 EEG monitoring and training. Available for private and group brainwave trainings.
The Monroe Institute & Mind Soul Flow
Nellysford, Virginia USA
Tel: 434-882-6529
Web: www.mindflowsoul.com
Email: mindflowsoul@gmail.com
Specialties: Awakened Mind Practitioner, Academic, Intuitive Transformational Personal Coaching, Meditation training, Personal Neuro-feedback Trainer utilizing a combination of Light, Sound & Mind Mirror EEG, and Human Consciousness Researcher. Language: English.